
Marcos Matabuena

Harvard University, Boston, USA

Bio Summary

Postdoctoral researcher in the department of biostatistics at HarvardUniversity.  Onnela Lab.

PhD in Biostatistics and Machine Learning, University of Santiago deCompostela, Spain. Thesis on the Development of advanced statistical modelling techniques for metric spaces with applications in personalised medicine, focusing on data from wearable medical devices. He specialises in mathematical modelling for digital health. His research is deeply rooted in uncertainty quantification, survival analysis, experimental design and causal inference.

In the field of Diabetes, his models offer new ways to interpret datafrom continuous glucose monitors. In addition, it explores the ageing process through the lens of data from wearable devices. He has developed the first uncertainty quantification framework for regression models in metric spaces andhas introduced the “glucodensity”, a novel functional representation for the analysis of glucose and wearable device data. In addition, he has created the first bi clustering algorithm in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert (RKHS).